Saturday, July 18, 2009


I'm a huge fan of the Harry Potter books. The last three books in the series are very complex and it's very tough to adapt them to movies. So many nuances are bound to be missing in the plot. And this was the case with HP5, though David Yates succeeded to a fair extent in making a good movie. The spirit was there. So, I went to watch HP6 fully expecting a good movie, if not one faithful to the book. I'm one among millions who believe 'The Dark Knight' was treated very unfairly at the Oscars. So when I heard that HP6 had beaten TDK's pre-release screening record, I was thinking, "This movie better be good". Have to say, HP6 is one of the crappiest movies I've seen in recent times. The problem with it is that the director has tried too hard to be cheesy that the spirit of the story is lost. Terrible acting and screenplay make matters worse. The movie is so pathetic that you hardly feel Dumbledore's loss when he is killed. The scene of Harry persuading Slughorn to divulge the memory looks silly(Supposed to be the defining moment in the story) and Lavender Brown looks like a pumpkin. The movie has its moments though. The problem is that the good moments are too few. The Quidditch scenes are very enjoyable, and in the adventure in the cave to destroy the horcrux when Dumbledore fights the inferi, the movie translates the feeling of the book when one understands why Dumbledore is the greatest wizard of all time. Agreed that HP6 the book has a lighter mood than the dark HP5. With the movie, David Yates has tried too much to be cheesy. Daniel Radcliffe sucks so much that he just stands stiff like a rock during Dumbledore's death and leaves you to wonder if there was any bond at all between Harry and Dumbledore. A total disappointment and one for the Razzies. I remember breaking down completely while reading about Dumbledore's death, for he was the one person who cared for Harry from his childhood, apart from Sirius. And this movie doesn't even have a bloody funeral for Albus! Shame!

Before the fifth movie came out, I thought it was the trademark of the HP movies to be sucky(barring the third installment). The fifth one gave me some hope that David Yates can end the series well. I seriously doubt his credentials now. The books have been such a integral part of the lives of so many fans that it pains to see the movies suck so much. It's all shame and no substance!

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